About Us » Curriculum



Teachers use the Common Core Standards to engage students in high quality accelerated instruction that enriches and supports the comprehensive development of all students.

Students read a variety of quality literary and informational text for for both understanding and enjoyment. Our teachers in 4th-6th implement a novel based curriculum that encourages analysis, critical thinking, and application of literary tools.

Teachers use fluid groups and other instructional practices including workshop, guided reading, Daily 5 literacy approach, novel studies, small group and whole group instruction. Students work within this model to improve reading proficiency and comprehension, fluency, accuracy and vocabulary skills.


Decatur Classical’s mathematics program provides many different tools and strategies for developing students into confident mathematicians.  Our mathematics programs include IntoMath! Into Math Parent Resource in grades K-5 and Illustrative Mathematics in grades 6-8.  We use a problem based learning model approach to foster a deep understanding of the relationships between mathematical concepts and real world situations.  Teachers use data to provide students with meaningful feedback that focuses on strategies and justification for math rather than explicit procedures. 


SEPUP is an inquiry-based, issue-oriented curriculum so that students can see that science is connected to their lives and communities in many ways.  It is an open-ended program so that students can become better at applying scientific evidence and analyzing trade-offs in order to make their own informed decisions instead of looking for one correct answer or position.  Students use hands-on investigations, physical and computer models and readings to gather evidence and discuss information and create explanations of phenomena.

Teachers use the CPS Science Instructional Framework, which includes Amplify Science.  This is a robust, multimodal, hands-on program made to fulfill 100 percent of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  It emphasizes students exploring phenomena in order to answer authentic questions while using evidence to support their thinking and encourages students to read, write and argue like scientists. Teachers strive to engage students in exciting, investigation-based learning where students have the chance to explore through hands-on learning.