Week 2 Grade 3 Math/Grades K–8

3rd-grade mathematics: Students made connections to math and their lives, math and literature, and the uses we have for large numbers. They are in the midst of practicing how to round large numbers to different specified place values. 
Grades K–1: In Makerspace, we study patterns in nature because these patterns can be useful solutions when we mimic them. This week we studied the ant life cycle and anatomy. We also had time to free build with LEGOs. 
Grades 2–6: What do engineers know how to do? Persist! Regulating our emotions when we try to solve difficult problems is the skill we practiced this week. Our failures teach us how to solve problems worth solving. Students succeeded in reiterating and not giving up. Videos show some results after many fails.
Grades 7–8
This week students followed procedures necessary to complete mini science experiments with microscopes and magnets. They are learning about expectations and responsibilities related to becoming my lab assistants in our Makerspace. Some students were able to complete their experiments and independently set up technology in our classroom. We will be focusing on computer science and coding next week.