Latin Club Certamen Team News

On Tuesday, November 5th, the Decatur Certamen Team competed strong at Northside College Prep against Wilmette Junior High and the Science and Arts Academy in our first meet of the year.  

“Certamen” is a Latin word meaning “contest” and is a Scholastic Bowl style game in which 3 teams of 4 students are asked 3 rounds of 20 questions each to score points for their school.  Questions are a mix of mythology, word roots and ancient history. Decatur’s Latin Club has grown and this year we were able to send two teams to participate in the Chicago-North region of Certamen.  Our next meet will be on December 3rd at Loyola Academy.

Congratulations to Angelica Besa, Murad Chander, Siri Chennareddy, Alyssa Dario, Enrique Morales, Casey Scott, Carolynn Simpson, Gabriel Story - great job representing Decatur Classical School!