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From Pages to Planets

My name is Zoe, and this is my online drawing, From Pages to Planets. I chose to observe and draw an open book, and the background is a world. I chose to create this because I sometimes take books for granted and forget just how amazing they really are, this was a piece to remind me of how books can take you just about anywhere, and that’s what makes them so great. To make my drawing I used a stylus, my phone, and a drawing app called Ibis Paint X. 

At first, I had trouble with the drawing of the book, it was really difficult making it look like a book and not a shapeless blob. I kept trying and eventually I got it right. Then I was faced with the challenge of deciding how I wanted to show that books can take you anywhere. I settled on a background depicting many different landscapes. I am very proud of my online drawing, Pages to Planets.